Busty Eastern Babe Mia Khalifa Gets Rammed By Western Cockクソ美しいシロシャラダ文字肉感的Busty Eastern Babe Mia NICE BABES GIVE HEADS Khalifa Gets Rammed By Western Cockクソ美しいシロシャラダ文字肉感的
Greatest Anal Creampie Beautiful Shiloh Sharada Fucking Sensually クソ美しいシロシャラダ文字肉感的
( 形シク )
よい。好ましい。 「鞠(まり)は-・しいものかな/弁内侍日記」
巧みだ。上手だ。 「『この御馬はかさ驚きやし侍らん』と申せば,-・しく相したりとて/中務内侍日記」
けなげだ。殊勝だ。 「 - ・しくも宣ひたり/太平記 9」
〔中世女性語。のち「お」を付けて「おいしい」となる〕 美味だ。うまい。 「 - ・しい酒でおりやる/狂言・比丘貞」ちびまる子ちゃん344
一 ( 形シク )
満足すべき状態だ。十分で申し分ない。 「かく物を思ひたるさまにて見たまふぞ。-・しき世に/竹取」
二 ( 形ク )
⇒ うまい 〔一 二 とも中古以降「むまし」と表記されることが多い〕
うまし 【美▽し・甘▽し】
くわ・し くはし 【細▽し・美▽し】
( 形シク )ちびまる子ちゃん 映画863
こまやかに美しい。うるわしい。 「走り出の宜(よろ)しき山の出立の-・しき山ぞ/万葉集 3331」CANNON BALL, N.D. (AP) — Tension flared anew on the Dakota Access pipeline as protesters tried to push past a long-blocked bridge on a state highway, only to be turned back by a line of law enforcement using water cannon and what appeared to be tear gas.
Sunday's skirmishes began around 6 p.m. after protesters removed a burned-out truck on what's known as the Backwater Bridge, not far from the encampment where they've been for weeks as they demonstrate against the pipeline. The Morton County Sheriff's Department estimated 400 protesters sought to cross the bridge on state Highway 1806.
A live stream early Monday showed a continued standoff, with large lights illuminating smoke wafting across the scene.
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The sheriff's department said in a statement around 1 a.m. Monday that approximately 100 to 200 protesters were on the bridge or in the vicinity. It said law enforcement officers "had rocks thrown at them, burning logs and rocks shot from slingshots," and that one officer had been hit on the head by a thrown rock.
At least one person was arrested. Protesters said a gym in Cannon Ball was opened to aid demonstrators who were soaked on a night the temperature dipped into the low 20s or were hit with tear gas.
Rema Loeb told The Associated Press he was forced to retreat from the bridge because he feared being doused with water on the freezing night. Others, he said, needed medical treatment after being hit with tear gas.
"It's been just horrible," said the 83-year-old Loeb,